Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lance at the Circus

Lance, but obviously not in his diving costume!

"So what are you doing here in Guangzhou," I asked that first Sunday to the beautiful young couple as I introduced myself.

"I'm in the circus! I'm a diver," Lance said. "Have you ever heard of the Mayan Restaurant in Salt Lake where they do cliff diving?" he asked.

I answered in the affirmative as I had eaten there twice.

"I used to work there. I had just gotten married, was working as a diver at the restaurant, when I got a call inviting me to come join the circus here in China. It sounded like an adventure and Samantha was willing, so we've been here for a few months and will head home in December."

We had to take the opportunity to see Lance before he headed back to school in America, so we went to the Chinese circus.
Barnum and Bailey Ringling Brothers, step aside. The Chinese have definitely bumped up your circus several notches!

1 comment:

  1. Fun times, I have never been to a circus. Sometimes my life feels like a circus though, so does that count for something?
