Sunday, January 2, 2011

Random Ramblings

1. Walking by the elementary/middle school at noon, I often hear classical music piped out on the playground. It's seeping into those children's brains -that is awesome.

2. We went to an elementary school production recently where the little children performed everything in English. It was a New Year celebration of English culture. Here they are putting on a little skit of Puss N' Boots.

I'm sure their parents couldn't understsand one word, but I've never seen a more adorable production of "Little Red Riding Hood," than the one the third graders put on. The wolf was vicious in his wolf costume, speaking in his little Chinese accent, "I'm going to eat you up!" Red Riding Hood was absolutely delightful as she skipped to grandma's house and said in her Chinese accent, "What big ears you have!" Oh, so so cute.

3. And, you've never really seen a Michael Jackson's "Beat It," performed quite like it was with a Chinese sixth grader on the drums and an adorable Chinese sixth-grader singing his heart out to the cheering middle school students. Or, you've never heard, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," quite like it being sung by 45 first graders in little Chinese accents. Oh, it was a delightful afternoon, indeed.

4. Western habits creep into these students' daily lives as we see some of them getting chubbier. They eat chips, soda, fries - all recent inductees into their diets. Oh so so sad!

5. I will ALWAYS be grateful for this remarkable opportunity!

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