Monday, April 18, 2011

Eating Humble Pie - AGAIN!!

"Does this bus go to the south campus?" we asked the two students standing at the bus stop.

"Yes, we are going there," one answered. "Do you teach there?"

"Yes, we teach there on Thursday evenings. But tonight, we are going to a competition for one of our students."

"Are you Mrs. Hackworth?" one of the two asked excitedly.

I nodded in the affirmative.

"I've heard of you. My classmates have told me about you because you are their teacher!"

I could feel a compliment coming....oh, this was gonna be good.

"Yes," she went on, "they told me they have an OLD LADY TEACHER who gives them candy!" (Direct quote here, folks!)

Allen and I both laughed heartily and long. But, then, she was embarrassed and tried to recover the moment.

"Well," I said, "it's true, I'm old and I have given candy a couple of times." We got on the bus and I smiled all the long way there.

Oh, humble pie, sometimes I deserve a big slice of just what I get!

1 comment:

  1. Made me laugh also. As long as we can laugh about our age perhaps we're ok.
