Thursday, January 6, 2011

Taking Roll

Several times during the semester, I have asked the students to answer a question when I call the roll. A couple of the questions were:

“What is something about you that no one in this room knows?”

“What would you do with a 100 yuan bill if it came to you anonymously in the mail?”

But, today's question was one I wish so badly that I had videoed the answers...
“What have you learned about YOURSELF in this your first term of university?”

Random sampling of answers:

I've learned:

how to drink from Coco - he drinks a lot! (Coco turns a bright red and everyone laughs heartily! But that may explain Coco's low grades.)

that I need to tighten my belt! (One of the idioms on the final exam.)

that I was quite dependent on my parents.

to not be so afraid to speak English to foreigners.

that many students speak much better English than I do.

that I didn't manage my time very well.

to be a better manager of my time.

that I can rely on my friends and classmates. They will help me. I used to be very dependent and try to figure things out, but my friends can help me solve problems.

that I really missed my parents.

that I can get up in front of a class and give a presentation.

that I need to do my homework!

that I couldn't get up for my first class because my parents weren't here to wake me up.

Ah, the same lessons learned round the world by college freshmen.

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