Thursday, November 11, 2010

Time Out - To Brag

"Bragging about your children is not polite," she said quite often.

So, I didn't brag-even when I wanted seemed impolite.

But, I'm sorry that I didn't brag. They did much to brag about.

Now, however, I'm bragging. It doesn't seem impolite; it seems important, significant, and necessary.

A picture arrived in my inbox today showing one of our children in a very significant and impressive arena, making it so that I could barely contain my JOY and bragging, I've decided to openly brag about our five remarkable and talented children:

jenni will receive her PhD as a nurse practioner in December from the University of Utah. She has spent five years working on this challenging goal, all while raising four happy, healthy, helpful, well-adjusted teen-agers. Thanks goes to her husband, Brent, for his support in all this. Just a couple more weeks and you'll be Doc Fisher!

justin decided a few years ago to strike out on his own and become a professional wedding/portrait photographer. It has had its challenges, but he is a highly successful and well-known photographer. His skill has taken him to Haiti, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, and points in between. He and his lovely, supportive, helfpul wife, Amy, have two adorable young sons that say the cutest things. Way to go, Justin!

jeremy leaned across the aisle when he was in the 7th grade and said to his friend, "let's be doctors when we grow up." Not fully realizing what that entailed, I'm sure, both those young men became doctors. Jeremy is an anethesiologist with a post-doctorate specialty in pain management, and is a lietenant commander in the navy. He has served a tour of duty in Afghanistan and on the USS John Stennis. He and Leigh have three young handsome, delightful sons, two of whom speak darn good Spanish. Way to go, Doc Hackworth!

kristi graduated as a registered dietitian. While driving home from work one day after hearing a patient say he would consult with his doctor before doing her health recommendations, kristi said, "Well, I'll just be THE doctor and they'll listen to me then!" She took the M-Cat exam six weeks later, while most students spend an entire year to prepare for it. She is in her second year residency in anesthesiology at the University of Virginia. It was her picture leading rounds while lots of doctors listened attentively that prompted this blog. Hang in there, Doc're half way through your residency.

jordan the baby at six foot three, loved animals growing up. He decided early on that he would be a marine biologist. But, somewhere along the way, he changed his mind to become a doctor like his older brother. He is an anethesiologist, and is doing a post-graduate fellowship in ICU care at the University of Virginia. He and Janna have four of the liveliest, spirited kids on the block. Way to go, Doc Hackworth!

All of these adults sing, play the guitar and or piano, and tell very funny stories and jokes. They love to hang out together and enjoy each other's company, even though we all live too far away from each other. Allen and I had nothing to do with their achievements; they have been inspired/motivated/hard-working on their own.

This is not to say that we have not had our share of sorrow, heartaches, challenges. We have.

But, through it all, we remain family and strongly committed to each other. I'm thankful to Heavenly Father for these dear dear children, spouses, and our 13 grandchildren.

Also, I'm very late in bragging about our children, but I'm trying to make up for lost time!


  1. Thanks for the update on your family. I have pasted each brief bio into my database. I appreciate your sharing the information.

  2. Fun to catch up on all your family's doings. You certainly have bragging rights! What a great family.
