Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Didn't Want to Go...

to the evening meeting of Relief Society. It's a very long ride to church, after dark, no Chye to speak Chinese to the taxi driver....

But, when Virginia, a new convert asked about going with her, I felt obligated. (Besides, the tiny little lady from Spain has a Black Belt in Karate...I didn't dare say no!)

So, five of us went from our campus: Virginia; her 17 year old daughter, Merche; Ruth; Meg, the branch president's daughter who lives on campus and goes to school here), and me. We had to take two taxis.

And, of course, once I got there, it was so fun to meet the ladies, get acquainted, talk, gab, laugh, and eat such good food - lots of variety as we have people from all over the world in our little branch.

But, during the closing prayer, when the young mother asked to "bless us so that we can all arrive home safely," it definitely has a totally different meaning to me now compared to when we lived two blocks from the church in Rexburg and that request was made.

We had the fastest taxi driver in the city...I'm sure he could win the Indy 500, hands down. My toes were literally curled up in my knuckles were beyond white.

And, in answer to a prayer, we arrived home safe...maybe not sound, but safe!


  1. I used to have a visiting teacher in Beijing who rode the bus 2 hours one way to come visit me.

  2. And here I am in this "round the corner" "up the street" place and I often talk myself out of going. Shame on me!

  3. Mom, this makes up for all the roller coaster rides you didn't want to go on with me at Lagoon!
