Friday, October 15, 2010

To Market, to Market...

These were some of the sights we saw as we headed to town to buy Allen an inexpensive guitar....
The most amazing one to me was the Christian bookstore...I have not seen something like it here in China before. I was the only one in the store, and asked the lady if they get many customers..."Not very many," she said, "but a few."
And, the answer to your burning question is....NO, I didn't buy any of the fancy schmancy desserts/cakes. We opted, instead, for a baked sweet potato on the corner of the university...tasted mighty good too.


  1. Knowing Chinese baked goods the way I do, I am sure that your baked sweet potato was much sweeter than those cakes. lol I loved the baked sweet potatoes, and I love the roasted chestnuts they sell in the winter!

  2. What I want to know is whether or not Allen got his guitar?

  3. So glad dad got a guitar. He looks in his element at that piano. You can't keep a man away from music when it is in his very blood.

  4. That guitar going to rock Allen's classroom!
