Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Interview

Reporter: So, you have certainly complained a great deal about the food. What do you normally eat for breakfast?

ME: Oh, breakfast is always great - no problems there unless we are on a trip. But, normally, I have a banana - washed of course! Then I have a a bowl of yoghurt with some cereal in it. Yoghurt is very BIG in China. My students bring yoghurt drinks to class all the time. But, I put my yoghurt in a bowl, then pour some American cereal on top. (We have a store where you can buy American products, but they are extremely expensive!) I have a piece of toast with peanut butter. (Finding a toaster was a HUGE challenge.) Then to finish the meal, I have some Lay's potato chips. Breakfast is good - it's American.

Reporter: What's for lunch?

ME: Sometimes a sandwich - grilled cheese or tuna, maybe soup. But, if we are eating out, it's usually something like - Slithered eels, little birds, chicken feet, steamed lettuce, fish head soup, or dog meat.

Reporter: You are kidding, right?

ME: What, me kid - about something as serious as food?

Reporter: You must reallly miss American food.

ME: Yes, I've written a letter to Santa asking if he will bring me some Taco Time bean burritos. If they don't come, then I'll know for sure there is no such thing as Santa.

Reporter: What about dinner?

ME: Sometimes Allen will make stir fry or make a big pot of delicious soup, but if he doesn't cook, the meal is too disgusting to discuss.

Reporter: Well, thank you for your time. Hope your stomach survives.

ME: That is my wish exactly!

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