Monday, December 27, 2010

Mrs. Hackworth, I Have a Question to Ask for You?

All these have been asked in the last ten days:

"Why did you come to China to teach?"

"Do you like Lady Gaga?"

"Would you let your child dye his hair?"

"Do you go to church?"

"What day are your church activities?"

"Is everyone in America rich?"

"Will the government support you forever if you lose your job?"

"What do you think of Obama?"

"Is everyone in America as kind as you are?" ("NO! They are much nicer and kinder!")

"Does everyone in America have a chimney for Santa to go down?"

"Do you like our delicious Chinese food?"

"Will you go home to America during the spring festival?" (From Jan 21 - Feb 27)

"Have you traveled in China?"

"If you visit my city, can I be your guide?"

"How can I get better at speaking English?"

"Will you help me with my pronunciation?"

"Can I have your telephone number to call you during the spring festival when we are away from class?"

"Is that a new hat? It makes your face look much thinner!" (This from a boy - I will NOT take the hat off for the next six months!)

"Do you like eating in our delicious canteen?" (This is always the toughest one for me to answer...I have made up my mind to be totally honest, and I do NOT like eating in the canteen. See picture in previous post. Suggestions on how to answer, anyone?)

"Do you miss your family?" More than you can possibly imagine.

And, there you have it. a little over one week's worth of questions. Fun, eh?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Here is another question... did the students say "Mrs. HackworTH" or "Mrs. HackworT?"

    What delightful kids!
