Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Across the Hall - a Tragedy in One Act

Screaming, slamming of doors, more screaming, two-year old crying in fear, foul abusive language, scurrying of feet up and down the stairs.

All afternoon it went on - over and over. His screaming at her. The child crying in terror. Items thrown out the door.

A fiction writer could not have scripted better weather for the bleak afternoon; cold and rainy - while the accusations/threats/ foul-mouthed abusive language continued.

Silence - at last. Luggage lined up against the railing.

"Wherever you go," I thought to myself, as if speaking to the lovely Chinese wife of the crazed and angry husband, "it will be better than this. You do not deserve to be treated this way."

Fast forward three days later, in the early morning as I took out the garbage....
a pink umbrella drying out in front of the doorway....

"NO, no, it can't be....maybe he already has a new girlfriend," I hoped desperately.

Voices later in the afternoon; the delightful sound of the two-year old; the soft, gentle voice of the Chinese wife; and regrettably, the deep voice of THE MAN.

And, my heart weeps.


  1. Oh my. Are these your neighbors? I suppose it is a common scene in every culture. So sad.

  2. I wish you could report that anonymously to child protect services. Do they even have that in China? This is scary for the child.
