Monday, February 14, 2011

Trix - My Hero

She's smart; she has two master's degrees.

She's an adventurer: she's here in China teaching English.

She's had a very interesting and unique life; she went to Catholic boarding schools as a child, her father owned a golf course, which her husband later took over, and that's only part of the story.

She's a connoisseur of books; she brought her Kindle to China and she reads prodigiously.

She doesn't get nervous before presentations; she was asked to give a lecture on Shakespeare and she didn't bat an eye.

Those are all impressive, but no, the reason Trix is my hero is because she has been in China as long as I have and has NEVER - NOT ONCE - in five and a half months.....

used a squat toilette!


  1. You kind of have to pretend you are camping in the wilderness.... lol

  2. You're my hero because you *have* used one. My Toto washlet may ultimately be the thing that keeps me from visiting many places.

  3. I agree with Linda. You are the hero.
