Friday, February 18, 2011

Ironic PS

just one hour after I posted the previous blog, we were talking with a man inside the campus bank on a busy friday afternoon.

Not five feet from us was a little two-year-old who pulled down her pants, and started doing “the dance.” Every parent, world-wide, knows this familiar dance.

The mother looked concerned, made a sort of squeal, picked up her darling daughter, and raced out the front door to the top step leading into the bank. She held her daughter on the front entrance, while the daughter “did her thing.”

I looked jaws gaping wide – only mine. No angry voices saying, “People walk right here!” No stares – only mine.

And, I have decided I need to lighten up. Banks, school canteen, it's all good.

My only hope is that in the next six months, I do not get so desperate that I join them and do as they say, "When in China, do as the Chinese!"


  1. In Taiwan the mothers whistle while the baby is taking a leak so that they can train them to pee on command. lol

  2. Oh my, that is very unique...I'd never heard of that, but sounds good to me!
