Monday, June 6, 2011

the UPS and DOWNS of tourism

“Hello, I'm Kathryn, I will be your tour guide for the next three days. Please get a good night's rest as we will be climbing the mountains tomorrow,” she said as she greeted us at the airport.
DAY 1:

“Today we will be going to the world-famous mountain made famous by the movie Avatar. It is something so spectacular, you will never see anything like it again!”
Climbed 100 steps up, then 203 down to get to the elevator, which takes us to the mountain top.
Climbed 213 steps down, then 78 steps up to get to see something
Climbed 158 steps up, then 82 down to ride the tram
Climbed 52 steps down, then 159 steps up to see the view, which unfortunately, couldn't be seen because of the fog
Climbed 197 steps to nowhere because we couldn't see anything but fog.
Walked for 1 and a half hours to see nothing because of the fog.
So, she was absolutely right, we will never see anything like it again....very thick fog at a very famous mountain top.

DAY 2:
“Today, we will be visiting the world famous Boafeng Lake at the top of the mountain and then we will go to the world- famous caves underneath the ground.”
Climbed 500 steps up to get to the lake,
Climbed 579 steps to get down from the lake.

Climbed 579 steps down to the caves
Climbed 672 steps to get up out of the cave.

DAY 3:
“I have saved the best for our last day. Today, we will visit the famous Heaven's Gate mountain top. To get to the top of this drmatic mountain view, we will climb 999 steps in a very steep climb that will have you breathing heavy and ruin your knees for a lifetime.”

So, we climbed 732 steps up and down to begin our trip to the famous Heaven's Gate. Walked along a very dangerous path, but as our guide said, “Watch your head...there are many low-lying trees. However, because of the fog, you will not be able to see them or me! Just know they are there. But don't worry, we will - after three hours - get to the starting point of Heaven's Gate, with its 999 steps.”

After our long hike, a scary cable car ride, and a hair-raising bus ride around the 99 curve road, our guide said, “There it is, I'm very sorry that you cannot see it. It is very impressive and beautiful. But, you should climb the 999 steps anyway. It is good exercise and very beneficial to your health. And, of course, once you climb up the 999 steps, you must climb down the 999 steps.”

And, that my friends, is what I mean by the UPS and DOWNS of travel.


  1. What a great post with great pictures. We really get a sense of what you went through. My thighs were sore just reading this. You are going to come home in pretty good shape!

    Glad you made it back to Guanghzou safely.

  2. this is funny mom. you are a trooper!
