Thursday, March 3, 2011

Seeing the Value of Good Nutrition

WOW!” I said looking up into the eyes of the way-over-six-foot-tall Chinese student. “You are mighty tall...what did you eat growing up?” I joked.

“Milk,” he answered very seriously.

He is not my only tall Chinese student, in fact we see tall students quite frequently.

Twenty-four hours later, as I walked by the little play area where many grandmothers tend and play with their grandchildren, I noticed something....ALL the grandmothers were well under five feet. Thinking of all the grandmothers on the campus that I see every day, I realized that they ­ and the grandfathers are all short.

And, then it hit me – like a bat over the head!


GOOD NUTRITION has made all the difference in these two generations. The grandmothers were probably very hungry in their early years. One Chinese lady told me of going to bed hungry EVERY night in her childhood, of eating nut shells and weeds to fill her empty stomach.

The Chinese government is making concerted efforts to feed their billion and a half people. And, they are succeeding, as evidenced by the tall people we see.

I love seeing the tall Chinese....and I'm grateful life has changed for them.

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