Saturday, March 5, 2011


( Before class starts in a new semester - waiting for the rest of the students to arrive.)


“Do not show favoritism to any student...what you do for one, you must do for all.”
She came each week to the extra session I held before class. She wore the same blue pants and blue tee shirt every Tuesday night. One evening, she casually mentioned that she was from a very very poor village.

This term, she arrived at class early and offered to help set up the computer station. She had on the familiar blue pants and blue tee shirt.

After class, she asked me to list the pages for the entire semester that we would be using in the text book. “It is a pity to buy the whole book, and only use a few pages,” she said. She added that she would xerox the pages we would actually be using. That way there would be no waste.

I looked at beautiful Tina...what she was asking was impossible for me....I can not possibly know what pages we will be using for the entire semester; not because I don't want to help her, but because I never know exactly how much we will cover each week. I'm not sure how the chapters will play out over the next 17 weeks. Maybe we won't use a page I think we will; I just play it by ear.

So, herein is my great to help Tina, and perhaps a few others who simply CANNOT afford a book – I could easily buy their textbook for her/them.

But, does that violate RULE 2?


  1. How about if you buy a few "loaners" to keep in the classroom. Allow them to borrow the book for the semester.

  2. I like delirious's idea. Start a lending library.
