Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Surprise Around Every Corner

( First day of new semester: our school is loaded with girls because there are no science classes taught here; it is primarily a school for languages.)

There were four students; three girls and a boy.

I ask four different students to come early before class and talk with them individually.

We chatted, I learned about them; then I said, "Is there anything you would like to ask me?"

"Yes," the boy said...."What is the most romantic thing your husband has ever done for you?"

Totally caught me off guard, then I laughed. I LOVED that question from a cute 19 year old Chinese boy who told me he has a girlfriend.

Then I answered: "He came to the school library where I was the librarian; it was Valentine's Day and he sang, "Love Me Tender."

The three girls oohed and aahed.

And the boy?!?!??! He liked it as well.