Friday, March 18, 2011

The Stories


Tell something about yourself; an award, an embarrassing moment, a momentous decision, a joyful moment.

I wish I could have recorded them. I laughed, I was astounded, I was goosebumpy, I laughed some more, I felt sorrow, I felt joy, and most of all I was amazed at their incredible, these kids told some marvelous stories.

Here's just a sentence sampling of some of their stories:

During my vacation, I volunteered to teach in a poor village...they had so little, but they desperately wanted to learn English. I have determined that my goal is to help children in small villages in China.

I watched the janitor clean my room; it was at that moment, I realized how much alike we all are. I gave him a SMILE and said Thank you. Do you have any idea how powerful a smile can be? It's something we can all do each day.

I was a very naughty child. I refused to do what the teacher said, so he made me run 20 laps. Everything he asked me to do, I refused, no matter what the punishment. Then, I realized how foolish that was, and I became a good student.

She told me I had to practice for two hours...I set the clock forward one hour and fifty-five minutes. My grandmother told my parents when they came home. I was severly beaten.

I was friends with very wild students in my school. One night, when we were sneaking out - again - my pants got caught on the friends left me. The guard caught me, told me he should expel me, but said he would give me a second chance. I'm grateful for that second chance. I became a good student and am at university.

The police asked me to help in their sting of a student illegally selling books in the library. It was very exciting.

I have lived alone since I was 12. I didn't get along with my mother. But, now we are very good friends.

I usually lock my door, didn't, woke up to a person standing by my bed; he stole my money and he even took my Diary...why would he want that?

The story I am going to tell is very bloody, so just be prepared for that.

I was watching the young boy on the bus try to pickpocket the old gentleman. I didn't know what do because my parents have told me not to get involved as I may get hurt very badly.

He came up behind me and grabbed my throat; he tried to steal my mobile phone; some ladies across the street just sat and watched.

And, many many more.

Such honesty, openness, innocence, sense of responsibility, sense of fun.

I enjoyed them all.

Here's to the human spirit!


  1. Wow...those kids have had a lot of things happen to them at a young age. I am so glad you are recording some of these things you hear. Those kids sound impressive.

  2. What delightful stories you get to read.
