Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's a Small World

"Do you want to watch a movie with us?" Chye asked on Saturday night.

The previous teachers had left two big boxes, plus there were a handful of DVD's sitting on Chye's couch. I glanced through the ones on the couch, and picked one I had never seen, but had heard about. It was a video of three short inspirational stories used to teach values. Some of the BYU teachers had used these little videos put out by NuSkin International in their teaching (no religion is allowed, but values are okay.)

We gathered in the bedroom, where the DVD player is located. We watched short movie #1, and said, They're short, let's watch the next one."

Movie starts...I suddenly scream, "Stop the movie!" I got a little carried away, but you see, MY NEPHEW from Salt Lake CIty was featured in the little movie. It was so fun! I'm sitting in a bedroom in Guangzhou, China watching an obscure movie that I picked from a large selection of titles, and there is MY NEPHEW! Oh, so amazing to have that moment/coincidence!

So, of course, I came home, dialed up Shauna and told her I just watched her son in the movie.

I watched him in China, I called her in Utah from China. What's not to love about a modern world?


  1. Wow, I love those coincidences. It truly is a small world, so mind your p's and q's, you never know....

  2. How fun!! So cool!! Amazing and incredible!!! Which nephew?

    At first, I thought you were going to say you watched a video clip of our family talking about values. Remember when we filmed that for BYU? In the clip Brent asks Sean what he could do to serve is sister. In his cute little kid lisp he said, "I could tie her shoes fow her."
