Monday, September 27, 2010

The Sigh Heard Round the World

"Twilight" Spans the Globe!

"What do you like to do for fun?" was the question asked on the first day to get acquainted with each of the students.

"I like to watch movies. I especially like the movies about...." she stammered to find the English word. As she tried to think and was speaking to herself in Chinese, a girl in the classroom helped her out....

"The Twilight movies."

There was an audible sigh of recognition from the girls in the class. "Ahhhhh..."

"Ah yes," she continued. "Are so romantic. My dream is to meet Bella in person one day."

I'm still chuckling over that one. Oh, Stephenie Meyer, graduate of BYU, can you even begin to know of the impact you have had on girls world-wide?

(Actually, from your bank account, I would guess that you DO KNOW what impact you have had!)

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