Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Classes

"You all have wonderful Chinese names," I said. "Your parents picked just the right name for you, and I'm sure you are proud of that name. I hope you will always use and love your name. But for this class, we are going to have an American name.

"Does anyone not have an American name and need one? I have a list of names you can choose from."

He raised his hand, I handed him the list, which had many boys' names and their meanings.

A few minutes later, he called me over, and said, pointing to the meaning of the name, 'TOBY.' The paper explained the meaning of the name as "the Lord is good." "What that mean?" he asked in all earnestness. I was taken aback. I really was caught off guard for just a nano-second.

Yes, what does that mean to someone who has no beliefs in Christianity, or any form of religion, who does not understand the idea of a Lord God?

When I stammered out an answer, he promptly shook his head, and turned the sheet over to continue looking.

The names continue to amaze me...I wish I could give some advice, like the girl who previously had picked - RABY.

Definitely not my favorite...or how about Vanishing, or Share ("I hungry all the time...when you have food, please to share it with me." She giggled.), or Magician (Magician????really, come on now, who lets you pick these names?), Key, Chief, Captain.

Some, obviously pick quite normal names. They want to be CEOs, business executives, and have significant jobs. Does a name really make the man/woman? Does a name matter?

So, here's the deal, if you hear one day that the CEO of Apple is named Magician, remember, you heard it here first!

1 comment:

  1. I had a student in an english class in Taiwan when I was serving on a mission who named herself "Cricket". My husband had a student who told him his name was "Rember" AFter quite some questioning, my husband discovered what he was really saying was "Rambo". ;)
